Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Brett Lee Bowling Action

A great breakdown of the Lee bowling action.
Delivery stride from a high right knee - strong pulldown of the bowling hand - left arm tucks and clears as the right arm comes through - and right knee drives towards the batsman. Violence but control!

Monday, June 28, 2010

This week at Activate

Junior Coaching continues with Jeff, Nathan and Lachlan. The juniors are working hard at developing their batting and bowling skills through the winter so they can enjoy their cricket when Spring arrives.
Our Holiday Clinics will be starting next Monday so we are fielding a lot of calls from parents eager to book their kids in for 3 days of fun cricket-based activities! The Centre should be choc-a-block throughout the holidays as we have clinics running for the next two weeks, plus Holiday Clinics for Canterbury and Western Suburbs Cricket Association and also a couple of days when the boys from Western Suburbs will be training here!
To all our juniors - Remember the basics:
Batting - watch the ball, move to the ball, then hit the ball. And always control the bat. You swing the bat - the bat doesn't swing you!
Bowling - strong front arm, head still, "flick" and follow through!

John's Fast Bowler's Off Season Strength and Conditioning Program shifts into a new phase this week as July comes around. They are in Week 9 so just starting the third month of the program. The boys work will shift from strength based activities to more endurance work as well as an increase in technical work on batting and bowling actions!

Ash has been working very hard with the older guys who are training through the winter in our Senior Coaching Programs with a view to lots of runs and wickets next summer at grade clubs across Sydney. Many of these players are being introduced to some pretty demanding fitness sessions to get them strong enough to maintain their technique for longer periods in the middle when it counts. More and more of our "regulars" are starting in on their pre-season programs in an effort to steal a march on the guys they are competing with for spots in grade clubs!

Remember - if you have any questions about Activate Coaching Programs, you can leave a comment here and we will follow it up within hours, or contact us at


Train hard!

Ash and John

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cricket - Backfoot Batting Basics

Just a good basic introduction to playing on the backfoot. Keep it simple so you can move quickly into position to hit safely and with control!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Key Coaching Factors - Basic Seam Bowling

Australian Classic Catches (Including Paul Vautin's!)

Some great catches here including John Dyson in the outfield and that catch I talked about by Fatty Vautin.

Proves that great catching is withing us all by demonstrating:

* Sound technique
* Awareness
* Athleticism
* Determination
* Self-belief

The trick is being able to do it everytime the ball comes your way!

That is where practice comes in!

The harder you train the luckier you get!

Great catching - It is in EVERYONE!

Having watched all these catches many times, I am always amazed at the fantastic, almost super-human efforts of these wonderful fielders.
But in reality, these catches should re-affirm in us the belief that you can make great catches too! It is within the capabilities af every fielder to change the course of a game with one piece of inspirational fielding.

There is a very famous “Classic Catch” video of former footballer Paul ‘Fatty Vautin’ taking one of the best outfield catches ever seen in Australia. Playing in a nationally televised benefit match, it shows why ANYONE can take a great catch on his day! In that one moment in time, Vautin shows all the attributes of a match-winning fieldsman – the same attributes showcased in the video clips above:

Sound technique

But fielders like Collingwood, Ponting, Rhodes and de Villiers take more than their share of great catches because they have recognized that the more you train to develop these attributes, the more likely you are to snaffle that screamer and turn the game. So they practice, practice, practice!

So what sort of practice can a player do to develop these attributes?

Sound technique – This can be developed through repetition. Take as many catches as possible at training and focus each time on employing the correct technique. Feet, shoulders head and hands all need to be put into the correct positions again and again and again. Catches off the bat, off a slips cradle or from the hand can all be employed to develop sound technique. Make sure you are changing the angles between thrower, bat and fielder regularly so that you are always working at getting in the right position.

Awareness – Catching drills can never be dull because each catch is unique and presents a new challenge to the fielder. So while the fielder is practicing sound technique, they should also be keeping themselves aware of the specific challenge of each catch and practicing their anticipation. This often translates into that split second advantage the great catcher seems to have over mere mortals. Remember – anticipation is only useful when combined with athleticism!

Athleticism - As I have said before in a number of different articles, all players should be working to continually develop their athleticism. This can be done via cricket-specific drills involving catching, throwing, running etc. But you can also use drills and activities that are not cricket-based to effectively develop your athleticism. Cross training can be very helpful here. Get on the net and see what drills are out there! There is a wealth of information at your fingertips so you should never be short of challenging, interesting and fresh drills.

Determination – This is often the area that separates the men from the boys! To develop this attribute, you need to approach each training session with a single-minded attitude to attack every chance and really push yourself physically to dive further, jump higher anticipate quicker…. By working to your absolute physical maximum, you develop mental toughness that stands you in great stead in games, be it in the field, or batting or bowling. The more you can push yourself at training the more likely you are to take that screamer on a weekend.

Self-Belief – When you train with a high level of intensity, you will be surprised at the number of amazing catches you can take! The more ‘classics’ you take at training, the more likely you are to take a classic when it counts in a game, simply because you are used to making the movements and you really believe you can do it! We often talk about great fielders always wanting the ball to come their way. This is because they believe that when the ball does come their way, they will take the catch, make the run out or save the boundary. This elf-belief can only come from constant and intense practice.

So look at this video again, and this time, don’t just be amazed by the wonderful, spectacular pieces of fielding. Realize that with a great deal of practice, you can make catches like these some day. And when you do, I promise you will never forget the exhilaration that accompanies your effort!

CATV Analysis: Why 'Punter' is the world's best fielder

Just a great insight into what it takes to be a great fielder - surprise surprise - it comes down to practice! Some great demonstrations of footwark and throwing mechanics in this clip Have a look!